Mead Gardens, 4/14/2017

Gold Rim Butterfly

On April 14th, Jeff and I visited Mead Gardens. We were hoping to find Zebra Longwing and Great Purple Hairstreak.  Birding was slow, though we did get a Worm-eating Warbler at the entrance to the boardwalk nearest the stream. The butterfly garden had a couple duskywing skippers and several Monarchs. But then a Gold Rim Butterfly showed up and stole the show. This is a swallowtail without a swallow tail, and I'd love to photograph all of the ones that occur in Florida (I still need Pipevine Swallowtail).  This was easily the highlight of the morning. Interestingly, we went to Leu Gardens after Mead and saw another one there. I guess they may be common in butterfly gardens, but these are the first I've seen.


