Pine Warbler and Image Backgrounds
Pine Warbler with Pine Needles 1/26/2014 One of my favorite places to photograph Pine Warblers is the Econ River Wilderness Area. About a year and a half ago, I took my favorite photos of the species here. They are the kind of photos I'd like to have for most species--I call them bird-on-a-stick photos. These are the kinds of photos you see in field guides, etc. You see most of the bird, often in profile, and the background is completely blurred with no detail whatsoever. I love these images, partly for their beauty, and partly for how difficult they are to achieve, especially with birds that like to perch in messy branches. With today's software, you can often remove these branches, but I don't do much of this. I'd rather spend my time taking pictures than messing with them. Here's one of my favorite images from my visit to this park in 2012. Pine Warbler On-a-Stick 6/9/2012 Over the last couple weeks, Pine Warblers have begun singing all over the pa