Great Egret Yesterday I went to Merritt Island with my son, and we went to the Pumphouse Loop, Blackpoint Dr., and Biolab Rd. We first went to the Pumphouse Loop. Things were pretty slow here. Highlights for me were 11 Bufflehead off in the distance, 20 American Avocet, and numerous Willet, Dunlin, Short-Billed Dowitchers, and Laughing Gulls. We also saw flyovers of Reddish Egrets and Hooded Mergensers. On a sadder note, we saw one dead coot and one dead vulture on the ground, uneaten. I have no idea what happened to them. Laughing Gulls Next we went to Blackpoint Drive. Things picked up significantly here. We saw a hundreds of American Widgeon and Northern Pintail in flight, though they were too far away for me to see if there were any Eurasion Widgeons in the mix. At the first parking lot there were hundreds of shorebirds, mostly Dunlin, but there were many Black-Bellied Plover, American Avocet, Willet, with a few Dowitchers, at least 5 Lesser Yellowlegs and 1 Ruddy