Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, 4/9/2017

Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve

On April 9th I drove my daughter back to school at University of Florida. I got there in the early afternoon, and I decided to try a park there before heading back home. I decided to try Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve. I've been there once before, and I thought it was beautiful. A Hair Woodpecker has also been reported here, and I thought it would be good to add that species to my year list (a goal I failed to accomplish).

Longleaf Flatwoods Reservecaption

This is a beautiful park. I walked the loop marked by white blazes, and there were a couple other trails I ventured down a little ways just to see how the habitat might change. I didn't see a whole lot of birds, but pine flatwoods are one of my favorite habitats, and so it was good just to be out and about in nature. It was was fun to find a blooming Hooded Pitcherplant along the white blaze loop.

Hoosed Pitcherplant
I saw several Zebra Swallowtails and Common Buckeyes. One pair was mating, and they let me get pretty close to them. A Carolina Saddlebags and an American Grasshopper also posed for photos.

Common Buckeyes

Carolina Saddlebags

American Grasshopper

There were about 30 birds in the park--the mid-afternoon was not the best time go be there I suppose, but it was still a lot of fun. The only bird photo I don't mind showing you is an Eastern Towhee male, who began singing as I was headed back to my car. I didn't have time to wait around for a better composition, so here he is.

Eastern Towhee
