
Showing posts from October, 2015

Canon PowerShot G7X: Initial Thoughts

Canon Powershot G7X I've been using my Canon G7X for about a month now.  Obviously given my interest in bird photography, I didn't buy it to be my primary camera. However, I always like to take a second camera with me for photos of landscapes, flowers and other non-birds in nature. Bringing a second DSLR or changing lenses is not really an option, so this camera seemed to fit the bill. So far I have been very impressed with it.  I haven't done any formal tests, but it seems like noise levels are not appreciably different from my Canon 7D, and the lens is nice and sharp, even at 1:1 on my computer.  All my landscape shots have been shot hand held. Here are a few that I like best. Mead Gardens Mead Gardens Sunrise Over Miami Ocean View For macro and flower photography, the Canon G7X has done quite well so far. With a smaller sensor, this camera will not give you the kind of blurry backgrounds you'd expect to get out of a DSLR, but it's a gigantic...

Central Winds Park, 10/3/2015

Loggerhead Shrike Yesterday I visited Central Winds Park hoping for migrants.  It was kind of a slow morning.  The cold front up north should have brought migrants down, but weather patterns seem to have held them from coming down to us.  So I had 9 warbler species, none of them worth writing  home about.  The most unusual bird was a Tennessee Warbler by the lake shore.  I had my first Eastern Phoebe of the Fall; before too long I suspect we'll be inundated with them. I heard a Greater Yellowlegs calling by the small pond, American Crow So I tried to see if I could get some decent photos.  I came home with one of my best photos of an American Crow, and a Loggerhead Shrike posed for photos as well. I also decided to play around with my Canon Poweshot G7 X. The more I use this camera, the more I like it. I'm preparing a review of the camera that I'm hoping to post soon.  Here are a few photos I took in the late morning. Cabbage Palm wi...