Dainty Sulphur
On April 24, I visited Central Winds Park to look for migrants. It was really slow. So I decided to turn my attention to butterflies. However, since they removed the butterfly garden, the park was pretty slow for butterflies as well. I did see a couple Red Admirals flying around, and an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, but that was about it. Then I decided to go to the dog park next to see what might be there. I found a couple small butterflies around a little area with flowers, and I photographed both of them. One was a Red-banded Hairstreak; unfortunately, I couldn't quite get to the right angle for this guy, so he's facing a little bit away from me. The other was a Dainty Sulphur, and I got my best photos of this species nectaring on dogfruit.
Red-banded Hairstreak |
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