Canon 7D with EF 400mm f/5.6L
(ISO 4000 | 1/60sec | f/5.6) |
This morning before work I decided to drop by Mead Gardens. It's a little farther away than Central Winds, but that park has cooled off considerably over the last few days, while people have been reporting some nice sightings at Mead Gardens. While I didn't see all of what had been seen over the weekend, I still had a pretty good hour there, and I found a few species I haven't seen in the park for a while. I found six warblers species: Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Black and White, Blackburnian (my first in the park), Prairie, and a Black-throated Blue. It was also nice to see an Acadian Flycatcher and a Veery there. I continue to be impressed at how well the 7D can perform in relatively even lighting at high ISOs. The above shot was taken at ISO 4000. If you zoom in, there's noticeable grain, but the bird was close enough that it took up a fair amount of the frame, so you don't notice it as much.
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Canon 7D with EF 400mm f/5.6L (ISO 2500 | 1/60sec | f/5.6) |
And now I finally have a Black-throated Blue Warbler shot that's pretty close to sharp. I've been unable to get presentable photos of this warbler, despite seeing them frequently. This one is not quite what I'd like it to be, but it's a step in the right direction. At least you can tell that the bird has an eye, which can be difficult in birds with a black face.
Marsh Hare
Canon 7D with EF 400mm f/5.6L (ISO 1600 | 1/125sec | f/5.6) |
There were also many Marsh Hares there, and one photo of them turned out.
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