Cattle Egret |
This morning before work I decided to visit Central Winds again. It's amazing to me how much things can change in just a few days. Over the weekend, things were still hopping here. On Wednesday, things were decidedly slower, and that trend continues today. Even the numbers of Northern Parula and Yellow Warblers are vastly diminished. But I did see one Ovenbird, one Worm-eating Warbler, one Yellow-throated Warbler, one American Redstart, and one Magnolia Warbler. Despite others seeing Magnolias in the park over the last couple weeks, today's was my first in the park. I wasn't able to get a photo of the Magnolia, but I did slightly advance my quest for a decent Worm-eating Warbler photo. This one is now my best, though it is still far from good. The warbler popped out and let me get a peek (and a couple photos) and then flew back under cover never to be seen again by any human soul.
Worm-eating Warbler |
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