Spring Hammock Preserve, 4/6/2017

Blue Dasher

On April 6, I visited Spring Hammock Preserve. I go there frequently this time of year because it's a good place to get Prothonotary Warblers and Yellow-billed Cuckoos (found the former, not the latter). While walking the trails, though, I enjoyed seeing the dragonflies and other insects that were dancing in and out of the lit areas of the trail.  Most of the dragonflies were either Great Blue Skimmers or Blue Dashers (there may have been others that escaped my notice).

Great Blue Skimmer

There was also a very interesting bee working on some of the flowers in the shade. The wings of the bee look like they have blue iridescence. So far I've been completely unable to find the name of this bee. Should I get an update from Bug Guide, I'll update this post.

Bee on Flower

Bee on Flower
