Northern Parula

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Northern Parula
I suppose it's not hard to guess why the Northern Parula is one of my favorite warblers--they're beautiful warblers. They numerous here this time of year, and they seem all too willing to let you know it.  Their beautiful calls always grab my attention.  But I also like the challenge the present me.  They usually stay high in trees, often where there's spanish moss, where they taunt me with their beautiful voices, and they're pretty small.  So they present a photographic challenge to me that I enjoy.  It's not often I get presentable photos of them, though I do try on occasion.  I need one willing to come down from the upper canopy to mingle with a commoner like me.

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Northern Parula
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Northern Parula
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Northern Parula
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Northern Parula


  1. Parulas always presented me whit challenges to photograph them. Nice that these came down low enough to photograph Scott!

  2. Outstanding. Beautiful bird and extraordinary pics. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm really envious of your parula shots Scott.  They're considered "rare" in my area and I've never even seen the species, much less photographed one.  I especially like the first shot in this post. 


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