Carolina Spreadwing |
After having such a wonderful time this past Saturday at Lake Proctor looking for butterflies and dragonflies, I thought I'd try a different park with a similar habitat. Geneva Wilderness Area is a little closer, but it has three ponds with similar habitat. So I decided I'd check those ponds before work. They are surrounded by pines with grassy fields near them, and from what I'm learning that's a pretty good type of place to look for dragonflies.
Cherry Bluet |
I didn't see nearly as many dragonflies as on Saturday, but I did get about 15 species, and two of them were new to me: Carolina Spreadwing and Cherry Bluet. There were several species that were at Lake Proctor as well: Banded Pennant, Golden-winged Skimmer, Halloween Pennant, Little Blue Dragonlet, Atlantic Bluet, and Rambur's Forktail.
Atlantic Bluet (can't entirely rule out Familiar Bluet)
Citrine Forktail
Rambur's Forktail |
Banded Pennant |
Little Blue Dragonlet |
On the way out to the ponds, I also saw a Twilight Darner. I'm learning that these are more common here than I had originally thought.
Twilight Darner |
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