Marl Bed Flats, 12/31/2013

Marl Bed Flats
American Avocet
I decided to spend my last morning of 2013 at Marl Bed Flats, which is my favorite place for birding in Seminole Co. during the winter months.  I was hoping for Long-billed Dowitchers, which have avoided me successfully all year.  Shortly after arriving, I found an American Avocet, which is very unusual here.  I've hoped for an avocet here, but never really expected to find one.  Then two Long-billed Dowitchers landed right near the Avocet.  It was so great to get all three birds in the same frame!  I spent most of my time here looking for shorebirds, and other fun finds here were Killdeer, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, a Dunlin, Least Sandpipers, and many Wilson's Snipe. The usual suspects were also here: lots of wading birds, House, Carolina and Sedge Wrens, Bonaparte's Gull, Forster's and Caspian Terns, and a Sora.

Marl Bed Flats
Long-billed Dowitchers and an American Avocet
Unless something wonderful happens this evening, my Seminole Co. list for 2013 will end at 209.  I never thought I'd get 200 in this county in one year, so I"m really happy my list for this year.
