Marl Bed Flats, 12/10/2013

Marl Bed Flats
White Peacock
I had a great time at Marl Bed Flats yesterday.  The birds there did not cooperate for photographs, but I did get to see my first Dunlin in Seminole Co.  That was pretty fun. The spiders and butterflies were much more cooperative though. On the way out, I found a couple Red-femured Spotted Orbeavers with their nets across the path. One was in the sunlight, and I had fun trying to capture the rim light on the spider and webbing. On the way back, a White Peackock butterfly sat in the sun for me.  All in all, it was a good morning.

Marl Bed Flats
Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver
Marl Bed Flats
Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver
Marl Bed Flats
Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver


  1. That's a new spider for me! Now I'll have to go on a search.....
    Great photographs, as usual, Scott!

  2. Thanks! I'm just starting to notice them more. They're seem to be showing up where Golden-silk Orbweaver webs used to be.


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