Yesterday my father and I went to Mead Gardens hoping to find migrants. It was strangely and eerily quiet, though. Resident and breeding birds were there in abundance--Wood Ducks were there, which is always nice; Carolina Wrens were seemingly everywhere, and in a couple places you could see fledglings. Northern Parulas and Common Yellowthroats were frequently heard and seen. But it was a while before we actually saw birds that were just passing through. We saw one Northern Waterthrush, one Black-throated Blue Warbler and one American Redstart. So we turned out attention to some other fine friends. A Box Turtle was out in beautiful colors and a Crab-like Spiny Orbweaver spun a web where we could frustrate ourselves trying to get a picture in a slight breeze. As we were leaving a friend told me that a White-winged Dove was over by the feeders, so we marched back to get photos of this interesting species. White-winged Doves were introduced to south Florida in 1959, and even though some had been seen wintering in the state earlier, they only began breeding in the state after they were intentionally introduced. Now they can be seen quite frequently in Central Florida.
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