American Alligator

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Since moving to Florida, I've become very accustomed to alligators [gallery].  I see them everywhere.  Now I never go out specifically to photograph alligators, but when they pose for me, I often pause what I'm doing to photograph them.  They are fascinating creatures.  The best place I know of to see them is in the Orlando Wetlands Park.  Sometimes they gather together in one area of the birding loop of the park.  I've seen literally dozens of them gathered in one place catching fish.  Sometimes it becomes a kind of frenzy as they splash and thrash to catch the fish, and the herons and egrets have to move out of the way to avoid their teeth.

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When I'm there early or late, I often see them right on the paths.  Usually when I approach they jump to the water, but there's a few that don't budge.  I have either walk right by them (3-5 ft away) or turn around.  I choose to walk by them, and so far I still have all my limbs!

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Walk this Path, I Dare You
