Chestnut-backed Chickadee |
Here in Central Florida we've grown accustomed to having an easy time identifying chickadees. If you see one, it's a Carolina Chickadee. But this is no longer the case, as there has been a massive irruption of northern and western species of chickadees into Central Florida. The irruption was first noticed when the above photographed Chestnut-sided Chickadee was spotted in a park near my home in Seminole County. After this, birders here began giving chickadees more attention, and all of the sudden, people were starting to find Black-capped Chickadees in various locations throughout Central Florida, such as the one photographed below.
Black-capped Chickadee |
There have been confirmed reports of Mountain Chickadees on Sugarloaf Mountain and one unconfirmed sighting of a Boreal Chickadee in Winter Springs! This is a staggering reality to be faced with. Who would think that we would ever be able to find these species in Central Florida!
Carolina Chickadee |
Not only this, but it seems that some strange mutations are modifying our resident population of Carolina Chickadee. The photograph below serves as a good illustration. The debate is still raging here about what this is. Is it a strange-mutation of a Carolina Chickadee, or perhaps the discovery of a new species, a Bearded Chickadee? The jury is still out on this one.
Bearded Chickadee |
And just in the past couple days, there have been reports of Bushtits showing up in Central Florida as well. I was so dumbfounded when I heard these reports that I just had to check them out for myself. I ended up finding one in nearby Lake County.
Bushtit |
This irruption has been so great and exciting that we've been unable to contain ourselves. Who knows how long this will last, but in the meantime, we in Central Florida are enjoying the ride.
Arpril Fools!
Every year Scott... : )
ReplyDeleteYou get me every year
Very nice report, Scott.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I thought it was a fitting report for the day of the year. :-)
ReplyDeleteWell, it had to be done, I think. :-)
ReplyDeleteHate to admit it - you got me. I was packing the truck.......
ReplyDeleteYesterday May the 11th 2014. I saw a couple Black Cap Chickadee, no variation. I didnt think much of until i realized that This Species has never been seen in Central Florida, esp,. by me.
ReplyDeleteThe last year has been a great birding year for me just in my back yard. Black Bellied Whistling ducks, Waxwings, Warblers, An Indigo Bunting, loads of Chipping Sparrows, Gold Finch. I miss being up north where you have lots of victors year round. With luck our friends will hang out and make this dull violent state something to write about.
Make sure you check the date stamp on this post, which is April 1st. :-)