Northern Gannet |
I returned to Lighthouse Point Park at Ponce Inlet again in the hopes of finding a Razorbill. We found one far off the jetty. My father, who's in town for Christmas, located it in his scope, and I was able to locate it briefly with my binoculars. It was very far away (I probably would not have been able to identify it with my binoculars), the winds were strong and the waves were high, and the Razorbill appeared to be spending a lot of time "flying" under water. So no photos of the Razorbill, but later this week we're hoping to go to the gulf where people have been getting pretty good photos of Razorbills.
Black Skimmer |
Black Skimmers, though, were a very different story. There were many there, and a couple were actively bathing and skimming by the shore, making me very happy. Gulls were numerous too, though not like the last time I came came here. We found only Herring, Ring-billed and Laughing Gulls, plus Royal and Sandwich Terns. Also fun was seeing a Northern Gannet fly relatively close to shore--one flew over the jetty and consequently I was able to take my best pictures (so far) of this wonderful bird. We found several species of shorebirds, Willet, Sanderling, Ruddy Turnstone, and one Spotted Sandpiper. We also found a small flock of Black Scoters flying south, a few Lesser Scaup doing the same, and one Red-breasted Merganser also doing the same. As we walked up the inlet towards the lighthouse, we came across two Reddish Egrets, one Common Loon, and a few dolphin.
Double-crested Cormorant |
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