Red-footed Cannibalfly |
Late last week I drove out to Marl Bed Flats. It has historically been my favorite place to look for shorebirds, but it has all but dried up, and the shorebirds are all gone. I was hoping with all the rain we've had recently that things might change, so I gave it another shot. Still no shorebirds. The highlight of the morning was a flyover Eastern Kingbird--it didn't even have the decency to land in the park for a photo.
Spicebush Swallowtail |
So I turned my attention to butterflies and other insects. If I were more devoted to butterflies, I suspect I would see far more than I do. I see lots of them but I'm usually too tired and sweaty to give them much attention. I photographed three butterfly species and one robberfly. I also learned something new about checkered-skippers. I've seen Common/White Checkered-Skippers before (the two species are essentially identical), but I also saw a Tropical Checkered-Skipper. You can tell the difference between the two by the white spot on the wing that is past the dark bar on the forewing.
Tropical Checkered-Skipper |
Common/White Checkered-Skipper |
Just in case you might be interested in my slow morning of birding, here's my
eBird checklist for the morning.
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