Stilt Sandpiper at Marl Bed Flats

Marl Bed Flats
Stilt Sandpiper and Greater Yellowlegs
Yesterday a friend and I returned to Marl Bed Flats in search of shorebirds.  We didn't find anything new, but we were able to get photos of the Stilt Sandpiper I'd seen a few days earlier.  It was pretty fun to find it again. It was in nice breeding plumage, and spent its time associating with a Greater Yellowlegs.

Marl Bed Flats
Stilt Sandpiper and Greater Yellowlegs
Marl Bed Flats
Stilt Sandpiper
In other news, we heard a pair of King Rails in the same area, allowing us to record a probable breeding pair for the Breeding Bird Atlas II.
