A Guide to the Lower Wekiva River Preserve

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Lower Wekiva River Preserve
The Lower Wekiva River Preserve is located just east of the Wekiva River and north of rte 46 in Sanford FL. There are two parking areas, one on rte 46 and the other on Wekiva Park Dr at Katie's Landing. Katie's Landing is nicer, has restrooms, and gets to to my favorite parts of the park faster, but you're supposed to pay $3 in an envelope slot there.

There are over 18 miles of trails [trail map] through some wonderful pine forests. I discovered this park in May, but it's becoming one of my favorite places to visit. From Katie's Landing you cross the street, and you'll see a sign for the trail head. There are paper maps there. I always get one because the trail blazes are often absent. Intersections of the trails are lettered on the map and on posts along the trail. I usually meander northeast for about half the time I have available to me, and then I meander back a different way. I enjoy walking up to G and then down to H and then back (or the other way around).

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Lower Wekiva River Preserve
So far I've seen 83 species of birds in this park, and it's one of the few places in Seminole County where I've been able to find Bachman's Sparrows. For for that reason alone, this would be one of my favorite places to visit. But it's also one of the better places to find Red-headed Woodpeckers in the county. I've found breeding Great Crested Flycatchers, Common Yellowthroat, and even a possible breeding Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

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Bachman's Sparrow (juvenile)
Lower Wekiva River Preserve
Red-headed Woodpecker
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Great Crested Flycatcher
Lower Wekiva River Preserve
Swamp Sparrow
The other wildlife I've seen here are Oak Toads, White-tailed Deer (many of them), and Florida Black Bear. Well, I haven't actually seen a Black Bear in the park (I've seen one in a nearby park), but I have seen bear tracks along the trails, so I know they're there.

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White-tailed Deer
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If you park at Katie's Landing, there are restrooms there, and the trail head has a sign with paper maps. If you're into boating, you can put a boat into the Wekiva River at Katie's Landing. Other than that, there's nothing here by way of accommodations.  Major parts of the trail receive direct sunlight all day, so it can be pretty hot, and in the hardwood canopy, mosquitoes can be a problem. So bring water, sun protection and bug spray.


  1. Nice post....I especially like the white tail deer photo....great lighting!

  2. This is a great place to hike..but I've akways been in a rush when I was there..shall make it a priority next time.. Red Headed Woodpecker is stunning..as are your scenuc shots..as are all your shots :-)


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