Yellow-throated Warbler |
A friend of mine found a Hooded Warbler and a Cerulean Warbler at Central Winds yesterday. Of course, I wasn't there. I think that all the Hooded Warblers got together and decided to stay away from me whenever I'm in Seminole County--I can't seem to get that one on my Seminole County list. So of course I trotted off this morning to see if I could find anything there. I found neither of my target warblers (Hooded and Blue-winged), but I did find 10 others: Ovenbird (at least 7), Northern Waterthrusth, Worm-eating, Northern Parula (at least 20), Black and White, American Redstart, Yellow, Prothonotary (2), Yellow-throated, and Prairie. It was also fun to find a Limpkin and hear an Eastern Wood-Pewee.
Limpkin |
I also found a beautiful Black and Yellow Argiope spider. Central Winds is crawling with Golden-silk Orbweavers, and they're both beautiful and gigantic. These argiopes are only slightly smaller, but I think they're just as beautiful. I was unable to get close to this one, so I had to take the photo from a distance. I figured I'd just show a little more of the web and stlil show the photo. The zipper she makes in her web is part of the appeal anyway.
Black and Yellow Argiope |
Ten warblers makes a very nice day! I love the orb weavers, as long as I spot the orbs before I put my face into it!
ReplyDeleteWhich happens to me more often than I think should be reasonable. The Golden-silk Orbweavers seem to like to put their webs right at eye level.