This morning I drove out to Marl Bed Flats this morning. I was hoping to see a Long-billed Dowitcher that was reported here a few days ago. I didn't find him, but I did find a lot of other birds. I was surprised to see about 100 Bobolinks. These are the first I've ever seen, so I was pretty amazed to see so many.
I also saw many other birds there. American White Pelicans and a Red-winged Blackbird on posed nicely for photos.
American White Pelican
Red-winged Blackbird
These pretty flowers were also blooming, which a friend identified as Sensitive Briar. They're so pretty I might have to return with my macro lens.
I saw several hundred of these at Circle B Thursday (also my first time seeing any). They were so loud! They would not let me get too close for pictures either, so these are some great shots.
I saw several hundred of these at Circle B Thursday (also my first time seeing any). They were so loud! They would not let me get too close for pictures either, so these are some great shots.