Bachman's Sparrow |
My main goal in visiting Wekiwa Springs State Park this morning was to see a Bachman's Sparrow. So I was excited when I heard one sing (to me it sounds like it's saying "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!"). And then another popped up onto a branch right at about eye level. The lighting was nice--I didn't even need exposure compensation. In some of these photos, it looks like this sparrow has something on it's belly, and I can't tell if it's a tick or something else. I did get one email suggesting that it's probably a soft tick that will drop off when it's taken its fill of blood.
Bachman's Sparrow |
Bachman's Sparrow |
Bachman's Sparrow |
Bachman's Sparrow |
Bachman's Sparrow |
Other highlights were several Chipping Sparrows, American Goldfinches, Eastern Bluebirds, Carolina Chickadees. lots of Pine Warblers singing, one Red-headed Woodpecker seen from a distance, and one Brown-headed Nuthatch.
Brown-headed Nuthatch |
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